If you used Equifax before 2017 you Need Identity Theft Protection

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Trackoff Id Theft Protection And Privacy Software

Recently, Equifax, a credit reporting agency, was hacked. About 143 million Americans were compromised. Their data was exposed between mid-May and July of 2017. This includes names, birth dates, social security numbers, and addresses. More than 200,000 credit card numbers were stolen, and nearly 200,000 documents with personal information were stolen. Americans weren’t the only victims; citizens of the UK and Canada were affected as well by the data breach at Equifax.

Help with Equifax Data Breach from the FTC

The FTC recommends the following remedies for the Equifax data breach. The first thing to do is to see if your information was exposed by clicking on the ‘Potential Impact’ tab at www.equifaxsecurity2017.com. Enter your social security number and last name. Do this on a secure computer and an encrypted network connection. After entering your personal information, the website will tell you if your information was affected by the data breach at Equifax. There’s a list of ‘frequently ask questions’ at www.equifaxsecurity2017.com that provides more information for consumers.

The FTC offers more help with Equifax data breach. They recommend checking your credit report for free at each of the credit reporting agencies. This includes Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. This is available at annualcreditreport.com. Look for activity listed on these reports that aren’t familar. If you don’t recognize a transaction, then it could be a possible source of identity theft. If you find such transactions, visit IdentityTheft.gov for advice on what to do.

The FTC recommends placing a credit freeze on your files. This will prevent you or anyone else from opening new accounts in your name. Another step to take is to review bank account transactions and credit card transactions. If you find any transactions that you didn’t make, call the bank and credit card company and report it.

Another option is to place a fraud alert on your files. This will notify creditors of the potential for identity theft, and that they should verify the identity of the account owner when new accounts are opened. One more step to take is to file taxes early. This will prevent anyone that stole your social security number from filing taxes and getting a tax refund. They could also use your social security number to get a job.

A Solution to the Data Breach

Get Equifax security breach protection today. One way to protect your identity online is by installing software that removes all tracks of your activity. TrackOFF does this. It will remove your digital fingerprint in seconds. A digital fingerprint contains your online activity. This includes data about your family, finances, and web history. Identify thieves are looking for any type of data that they can get. With just a few pieces of information, they can apply for credit cards and employment.

Here’s a list of things TrackOFF does to protect your identity:

• Removes tracking cookies in seconds

• Provides a list of websites that are tracking you

• Hides your location from marketers with VPN

• Recognizes information-collection attempts in real-time

• Automatically syncs and protects browsers

• Scheduled browser cleaning – this is better than manually erasing data

• Removes unwanted elements on a web page without degrading browser experience

• Private searches

• TrackOFF doesn’t collect or sell your personal information

TrackOFF works in the background. It is adequate Equifax security breach protection. The dashboard reveals all privacy threats and statistics. It only takes one click to activate TrackOFF. Instantly, your web browsing activities are encrypted and your location is hidden. Reports are generated that provide an overview of your digital fingerprint. There’s also an Privacy Score that reveals how well you are being protected.

Two Versions of TrackOFF ID Theft Protection is Available

Equifax data breach protection extends to all victims. Protecting privacy is the main goal. TrackOFF accomplishes this. Several news outlets recognize its merits. It is the best way to reclaim your privacy after a data breach. There are two versions. The standard version offers identity theft protection, advanced cookie removal, detailed tracking reports, and private search. The elite version offers everything in the standard version, plus additional features including anonymous browsing and location masking. It is available for download today. Get Equifax data breach protection before your identity is stolen.

The Advantages of Anonymous Browsing and Location Masking

There are several advantages to browsing the Internet anonymously. The biggest advantage is that you can freely navigate the Internet without worrying about someone monitoring your activities. The experience will be vastly better than using the Internet with a less secure browser. Using the Internet without revealing your location protects you from the potential consequences of people knowing where you are. If hackers know where you live, they can easily harass you. Strangers can show up where you live, work, and shop. By doing this, they can enter your life. Avoid this possibility by using TrackOFF data and privacy protection software.

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