Protect yourself from hackers after the Yahoo Data Breach

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How to Protect Your Personal Information the TrackOff Way
Hacker Protection

The multibillion dollar company Yahoo, whose core assets were purchased by Verizon for approximately $4.5 billion, took a major hit via a breach in August of 2013. Russian hackers breached approximately three billion yahoo emails stealing email addresses and passwords, but thankfully no financial information was taken. The yahoo security breach was an act of internet violence that happens all too frequently. The major question is how can users protect themselves from breaches and hacks like the yahoo security breach? A company known as TrackOFF offers identity theft protection that can benefit all users for both business and personal uses and fights for hacker protection.

Think of the internet as a long sandy beach. With each click on the web is like leaving a footprint in the sand that potential hackers can follow. TrackOFF is like the proverbial wave in this simile where the water washes away your foot prints. As an online user, you have a digital fingerprint. You may be asking yourself what that is, and I’ll tell you. You know when you’re on social media websites such as Facebook, while scrolling through the news feed you come across an add for a couch that you were just looking at a few days ago on a different website? This happens because you leave a digital fingerprint on every site you visit that can be traced by specific companies. These trackers then have the capability to create an online file about you and your online habits in order to follow you and push other advertisements on you that companies can and will sell to each other in order to push their products.

How can TrackOff help users?

Think of being able to change your fingerprints after every time you touch something. That is essentially what TrackOff does with its state of the art algorithm that alters the user’s digital fingerprint in real time. By doing this, it deters companies from being able to track your online movements. TrackOff also gives the user the ability to clear out their browsing history and cookies with only one click, even though digital fingerprinting is beginning to replace the use of cookies, it is still recommended to clear out your cookies on a regular basis. TrackOff also explains how to utilize Private Browsing mode for a more private and secure browsing experience which does not allow any cookies history data to be stored once the browser is closed. Privacy browsing mode is available through Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer under the File menu option. TrackOff is your personal online bodyguard that fights against unwanted ads from following you around the web and keeps your identity safe. TrackOff’s goal is to empower their customers with the tools needed to protect their personal data from online thieves that lurk within the dark web.

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