
Did You Use Equifax Before The Breach? Here Is What You Need to Know

Trackoff Id Theft Protection And Privacy Software Recently, Equifax, a credit reporting agency, was hacked. About 143 million Americans were compromised. Their data was exposed between mid-May and July of 2017. This includes names, birth dates, social security numbers, and addresses. More than 200,000 credit card numbers were stolen, and nearly 200,000 documents with personal […]

Did You Use Equifax Before The Breach? Here Is What You Need to Know Read More »

Was Your Facebook Data Stolen During the Data Breach?

Has your Facebook information been compromised?   By now we have all heard about Facebook and Cambridge Analytica being put under a microscope by congress. CEO Mark Zuckerberg had to endure a 4 hour deposition to answer for all the 87 million users whose information was sold for profit without anyone’s consent. A significant part

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