
Windows 10 Users – 4 New Wormable Flaws That Need Patching and How To Do It Yourself!

Microsoft has identified 4 major “wormable” flaws in the Windows 10 operating system that requires immediate patching. This malware can go from one device to the next without needing permission from the user or host. These vulnerabilities were discovered a few days ago in the testing facility and affect all users of the Windows 10

Windows 10 Users – 4 New Wormable Flaws That Need Patching and How To Do It Yourself! Read More »

Law Firm Security

6 Law Firm Security Hacks

Protecting personal information is important for everyone these days but law firm security needs to be even more stringent. Law firms deal mountains confidential information which they are legally required to secure for their clients. Rule 1.6 – Confidentiality of Information from the American Bar Association reads: “[2] A fundamental principle in the client-lawyer relationship

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11 Wi-Fi Security Tips

Most use wi-fi and can use some wi-fi security tips to make sure we’re safe. Government monitoring is rampant. Companies as secure as credit agencies, health insurance companies, and even dating companies have been hacked. Individual security has fared no better. Just about everyone who connects to the internet asks, “Is my Wi-Fi secure?” This

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